Would you rather squeeze in another interval session, hill set or long run into your weekly running programme to help you get faster or join a yoga class? Sometimes, less can be more. The telling quote, by author and trail runner, Laura Schwecherl, of the article is – ‘When I started doing yoga more regularly […]
Ski Fitness
Skifit and the 9 minute block challenge was the topic of conversation yesterday morning when I met with Debbie McGee on BBC Radio Berkshire.For the non-Brits amongst you, Debbie is a cherished British icon having been the partner, on and off stage, of Paul Daniels, the TV magician from the 80's through to 2016. More […]
View the Programme Introducing a new way to get fit for the slopes this winter – get Ski Fit with Yoga Tonic UK, a unique 6 week programme offering streamed videos including yoga, cardio conditioning and meditation. The programme offers over 6 hours of guided instruction that can be streamed not only anytime, but any […]
Everyone has their own unique way of moving – be it running, swimming or skiing. Just enjoy every stride or ride and own it. Getting fit for the slopes can help you enjoy your time in the mountains that little bit more….. In October, we will be launching our SkiFit programme to help people get […]
I (Tim) have just qualified as a Level 2 gym instructor after studying for the last 6 months. Get ready for some new fitness classes…. HIIT classes are available on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7am and at 915am on Thursday’s and Fridays. To book go to Class Times on our website. Whether you are […]
The program of ‘yoga calm, ‘ introduced by two teachers, integrates both mindfulness and movement into each day of the students life in a school in Oregan (USA); The students are guided into learning how to manage both their mind and body together – acknowledging that the two are intrinsically linked. The aspiration is indeed […]
Read the Artlcle So practising yoga overlooking the River Thames is not quite as extreme as the special forces chaps on location but the article is still relevant…. Ultimately regular yoga practice will help strengthen the body but also help calm the mind so that people can make better decisions under pressure. I often use […]
Another thought provoking podcast hidden on BBC Sounds....An interesting 15 minutes introducing how yoga has evolved from multiple influences - east and west, from thousands of years ago to the present day, that may include physical movements, personal actions as well as meditation.It was summarized that yoga is a combination of psychology, philosophy and technology […]
In January 2019, Nike formally announced a new clothing range, for both men and women, addressing the increased participation of yoga. Unsurprisingly the launch included household American sports stars from the NBA, NFL and the Women’s NBA. I haven’t seen the new range in stores yet but it will be interesting to see them and […]
A petition from the UK that isn’t Brexit related….. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if yoga and meditation was introduced to the school curriculum for future generations….I can’t help but think it could help reduce the levels of anxiety and depression in our children. Please share with friends and families in the UK to help this […]
So – after a great day’s skiing- surely the first thing on your mind is how to stretch to ensure you can have another awesome day tomorrow….. Or something like that anyway. Assuming that when you have got back from the slopes, maybe via a few local hostelries, you are thinking about stretching – then […]
In the past, I think there has been a perception that Prince Charles has come up with some unusual ideas, contrary to the general or mainstream ways of thinking at the time. However, it also seems that he may have been ahead of the curve on a few things – such as organic food, for […]
Starting any new hobby or activity can be tricky, however, it could be said that yoga can make it particularly difficult as the teacher is providing names in English or Sanskrit, asking you to breath and then look at certain points… it’s hardly a surprise that students can feel a bit lost sometimes when there […]
Be like Ryan… So the title may be a slight over statement but Giggs states the benefits of yoga as aiding recovery, maintaining flexiblity whilst also enabling greater strength. Before taking up yoga Giggs struggled with injuries, however the ongoing and patient practice loosend calves, groin, glutes and hamstrings as well as stretching out the […]
WATCH SKI FIT YOGA VIDEOS Book a Ski Fit Yoga Class For many the February half term is an opportunity to escape to the mountains and get some skiing in. So far the season has been great in Europe with plenty of snow throughout the Alpes. Skiing is a second passion of mine; and one […]
This morning’s practice was particularly special for me….. As normal Shannon was giving the Wednesday morning class. It was however, the first time my mum, also known as Bibi, has been in the same class as me. It was wonderful to share our practice together and hang out afterwards. Who knows, she may even become […]
Last week the UK was hit by a thunderous snow storm that caused all sorts of disruption to the country. Schools were shut, deliveries delayed and there was more train disruption meaning commuters could not get to work..... You really would have thought that we had had blizzard and snow drift conditions in London and the […]
Yoga poses for Cyclists Before having Max, Shannon and I were both keen triathletes, completing several Ironman events and multiple Olympic distances races. As one of the three disciplines we would spend a lot of time on the bike cycling from London into the Surrey Hills, to Windsor or, on occasion down to Brighton. Nowadays […]
Firstly – I appreciate the winters in Wisconsin are slightly harsher than we have in UK – though I believe the sentiment of the article is still relevant about how ‘yoga-snacks’ and breathing (both integral parts of yoga) can be integrated into every day life. Ultimately yoga in the winter can Enable physical strength and […]
I appreciate we have just moved into February so can just about still be thinking about New Years resolutions - if you haven't made one or want to make a new one - an article from Australia. (The word seems to be getting out about yoga).So - the article outlines a number of benefits of […]