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Find out why yoga is so important during the winter time

Firstly – I appreciate the winters in Wisconsin are slightly harsher than we have in UK – though I believe the sentiment of the article is still relevant about how ‘yoga-snacks’ and breathing (both integral parts of yoga) can be integrated into every day life.

Ultimately yoga in the winter can

  • Enable physical strength and stability when walking through windy or icy conditions
  • Support mental focus and stress management that can be more prevalent when the days are shorter
  • Combing breath and movement can ‘cultivate inner calm and calm’

Personally I thoroughly enjoyed a recent snow day (if you look carefully enough you can see it!) – though unfortunately the yoga practice did not seem to help my surfing on the sledge on what can be hardly called a hill…..

More yoga practice required I think.

YogaTonicUK offer yoga skifit classes throughout the winter to help you get prepared for the slopes. Book your classes online at

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