Free online yoga videos
Sometimes it can feel hard trying something new into your busy day. Trying some short free online yoga videos can be a great place to start; finding yoga teachers you like or different styles of yoga – such as vinyasa flow or yin yoga. That’s why we’ve created the 30 Day Sun Salutation Challenge. Over the course of 30 short yoga videos, based around Sun Salutations, you’ll be introduced to a wide range of yoga poses.
These free online yoga classes are great for beginners to start their yoga practise.
If you enjoy the challenge and your introduction to yoga, then why not check out our online yoga classes or our yoga courses that are also available.
Our one-off course packages, on-demand memberships and class bookings are now on our new parent site:
My Life Tonic.

Could you do 5 Sun Salutations a day for 30 days?
Here is a series of different Sun Salutations, each video walking you through 5. This is intended to wake up your body and mind. It’s also meant to be habit forming. Just 10 minutes of yoga per day can make a difference to your overall strength and flexibility.
Day 1: Amended Sun Salutations (8 mins)
This first set will walk you through Sun Salutation A. This sequence has been amended for those who are new to yoga, or do not feel comfortable doing Plank (or Chaturanga). This moves you directly into Downward Dog.
Day 2: Sun Salutation A (10 mins)
We are doing this set in the bedroom, as I wanted to show that you can just roll out of bed and do a bit of yoga. Modifications are great: Go onto your knees in Plank pose or choose from Cobra or Upward dog, whatever suits you.
Day 3: Sun Salutation A (11 mins)
Despite it being January, we had a quick moment of sun, so it was time to salute it directly! This sequence still covers the basics but will be enjoyed by beginners and experienced, as we are here to observe each movement…
Day 4: Headless Sun Salutations (10 mins)
This is day 4, I had to rush in after Tim’s class with the Facebook Live video on my phone and I positioned the GoPro camera too close – oops. How many months have we been filming? All of these salutations are with upward dog but please do cobra if needed.
Day 5: Sun Salutations and 3 leg dogs – (10 mins)
Tim does different 3 legged dog variations to make this session stronger. It’s quicker and assumes you have sun salutation knowledge. Chaturanga = low plank
Day 6: Sun Salutations and low lunges (10 mins)
You can see evidence of us doing Facebook Live, as I have placed my phone carefully in front of the camera. No need for VC funding, professional recording studio and seasoned yoga models, we like to keep it real!
Day 7: Sun Salutations with Warrior 2 (11 mins)
Max joins us this morning for our challenge. He often gets a choice for doing some extra school work or yoga… luckily he chooses yoga!
Day 8: Sun Salutation Challenge Warrior 1 (9 mins)
Matching Tim and Shannon enjoy an energising 5 rounds of Sun Salutations with some Warrior 1 thrown in. Hope you enjoy it!
Day 9: Sun Salutation with Chair Pose (11 mins)
Tim does a theatrical closing of curtains when he realised the light wasn’t right in the living room. He adds some detail into chair pose, but still doing Sun Salutation A
Day 10: Sun Salutations in the hallway (9 mins)
Often it’s hard to find a place to squeeze in some yoga. It can be done anywhere. Here we are just doing 5 Sun Sal A’s without any other poses added.
Day 11: Sun Salutation with Missy (13 mins)
Day 11 Sun Salutation Challenge. We do 2 x Sun Salutation A and 3 of the B version (involving Warrior 1 and more Chaturangas). This one really warms you up. Don’t worry about keeping up, just get the body moving.
Day 12: Sun Salutations with Plank (10 mins)
This video shows 5 flowing Sun Salutation A’s with some planks added. Plank is more than upper body, it’s also core strength. So, draw up your belly button towards the spine to work on those deep abs!
Day 13: Sun Salutations (12 mins)
A rare appearance with all of us! Shorter downward dog and a balancing pose in between! 🙂
Day 14: Sun Salutation helping tight shoulders (11 mins)
This salutation sequence blends in some shoulder exercises. Also, Tim demonstrates in regular clothes to show that yoga can be done quickly without the fancy tight lycra.
Day 15: Sun Salutations B (13 mins)
Go with the flow as Shannon takes you through Sun Salutation B in today’s session.
Day 16: Sun Salutations Hip Opening (11 mins)
Day 17: Sun Salutation with distractions (7 mins)
Sometimes it’s hard to find a place to do yoga that’s free of distraction…
Day 18: Sun Salutations (11 mins)
I hadn’t realised that Tim wanted me to teach this one. I wasn’t even in yoga kit – I was in my internal lounge wear, not for public consumption.
Day 19: Sun Salutations – back to basics (12mins)
Adding in some Warrior 2 poses in today’s sequence.
Day 20: Sun Salutations with chair poses (9 mins)
I’ve added some chair poses to strengthen the quads and glutes as part of our practice this morning..
Day 21: Sun Salutations with balance (11 mins)
Shannon and Max have added a couple tree poses. Daily balancing is a great habit to get into as well…
Day 22: Sun Salutations – High Lunges (11 mins)
Keeping the lower body strong, engaging the core for variations of high lunge.
Day 23: Sun Salutations – Warrior 3 (11 mins)
Warm up with 5 sun salutation A’s with variations of Warrior 3 between each. Great for balance, foot and ankle muscles. Tighten the abs for best results!
Day 24: Sun Salutations – Balance and stretch (13 mins)
Focus on quad stretching and balance. Perfect for anyone with tight legs.
Day 25: Sun Salutations – with tree pose
Including variations of tree pose this morning to open the hips, build strength in the ankles and engage the core….there’s a lot going on.
Day 26: Sun Salutations – Low Lunges
Combining Sun Salutations with low lunges called Anjaneyasana. Please let us know what you think.
Day 27 : Sun Salutations – High Lunges
In today’s sequence I bring variations of High Lunges into the practice to build strength and range of movement.
Day 28: Sun Salutations – 3 legged dogs
Adding in 3 legged dog hip openers into the salutations to mix things up. If you watch this video and like it, let us know below. :)!
Day 29: Sun Salutations – Warrior 2 and some…
A quick flow today as we progress from Warrior 1 though to Half moon pose in 5 Sun Salutations….
Day 30: Sun Salutations – with some plank (….variations)
Day 30! What better way to start the day with some plank variations to focus on core and shoulder strength.
Day 31: Snow salutations – chair pose
The bonus day, day 31. We said it was a 30 day challenge but some months have 31 days. This one was a quickie because it was cold!