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Dealing with self doubt

As a small wellness business, it can feel like a huge struggle, especially when comparing ourselves to others. I am lucky to have a partner but there are times I feel really deflated and insecure (e.g. “Why am I so inflexible STILL?”,”Are people getting sick of us?”, “Do other yoga teachers roll their eyes at us?”).

We are supposed to be guiding people to feel better mentally and physically – we should have this emotion-thing nailed being yoga teachers, shouldn’t we??

I believe that things happen for a reason.

I was feeling really down one morning until I got this lovely, handcrafted card in the best handwriting ever from one of our yoga students (we are friends too!). It says “Keep smiling” and the contents were so uplifting. Just in time!! Thank you Jules. To know we brought positive change to one person makes the struggles worth it! Honestly.

I am going to say this to myself:

The thoughts that happen in our minds are not always fact. They are stories. Our minds can get negative, for no apparent reason. It can tell us we aren’t good enough without any rational justification. We need to practice turning those thoughts into positive. “I am good at what I do! I AM good enough!”

It can be hard, I mean hard.

Have you ever tried to turn a paddleboard around really quickly in the wind? It feels like that, awkward when that board doesn’t want to turn, especially because it’s wobbly too.

It takes practice.

Force a smile.

Tell yourself something nice, anything. Even if you can’t think of anything, think “I got up out of bed and showed up today – well done me.” 

Of course, self doubt is not unique to us. I am sure that we all suffer from self doubt at some point – be it in our personal or professional life. Whilst yoga is unlikely to be a silver bullet to solve all of your self doubt, it can help give you the tools to cope that little better. 

Whether you practice yoga online, home yoga or via a workplace yoga programme a regular yoga class can help you cope, reset and take the next step forward with renewed vigor.


Deck class times

YOGA Monday evening 7-8 pm (1 hour)
YOGA Monday Evening 8:15 pm Yin (1 hour)
YOGA Tuesday evening 7-8 pm (1 hour)
YOGA Tuesday evening 8:15 pm Recovery (1 hour)

YOGA Wednesday morning 8 am (1 hour)
YOGA Friday morning 7 am (45 mins)
YOGA Saturday morning 8 am (1 hour)

Please note that we are unsure how the timings will work for our other morning classes, as schools start and lockdown is eased further. Times may change.

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