As of Monday, 1 June 2020, the “lockdown” rules are that 6 people from different families are allowed to meet in an outside location, as long as they adhere to the distancing rules. Hurray!
What does this mean for our classes?
- We can have up to 5 people attend an outside yoga class on our deck.
- If we feel the weather will be dry and warm enough, we will post our class on our booking site.
- We will be phasing in some of our classes, mainly our 1 hour classes. See below.
- We are using our old external system, Bookwhen, as we didn’t realise they would change the rules so quickly. We know that some people don’t love Bookwhen but new system to come in future.
- We will continue our Zoom classes and filming for our subscribers
- We will observe students anonymity. The camera will be on Tim or Shannon only.
- Booking system is different to “online yoga”. To book a deck class, click here.
- If weather takes a sudden turn, we will notify you by email and refund you (so please check spam folders too). You will then be given the Zoom link to attend for free.
- ‘Deck’ schedule will be published every Sunday night
Request to students prior to class
- Please check the booking
- We will have a waiting list. If you need to cancel, we have a 5 hour limit, so that others have enough notice to take that space. If you can’t cancel using system, please contact either Tim or Shannon directly. Please 🙂
- Please bear with us. We are needing to transition again which might have a few challenges.
Request to students during class
- Please enter through side gate. It will be unlocked and propped open.
- Please observe social distancing rules of 2m at all times
- Please bring your own mat or a yoga towel or just regular towel
- For evening classes, please ensure you bring warmer clothes in case it gets cooler than expected.
- If you are very local, please try to walk or cycle to class. Driveway still open for those coming from farther away.
- The 7pm class will end at 5 minutes early so we can transition quickly to our 8:15 class.

Deck class times
YOGA Monday evening 7-8 pm (1 hour)
YOGA Monday Evening 8:15 pm Yin (1 hour)
YOGA Tuesday evening 7-8 pm (1 hour)
YOGA Tuesday evening 8:15 pm Recovery (1 hour)
YOGA Wednesday morning 8 am (1 hour)
YOGA Friday morning 7 am (45 mins)
YOGA Saturday morning 8 am (1 hour)
Please note that we are unsure how the timings will work for our other morning classes, as schools start and lockdown is eased further. Times may change.